
From videos to paintings and poems to powerpoints, projects can be difined differently for each individual. For me, projects are an essential part of education. Our educational system has developed drastically in this area over the past years, and many schools are now including projects in their standard curriculums. This year was all about creativity and having fun with learning, so projects supplied me with hundreds of possibilities to do so. Below is a gallery of some projects I completed during this year.

Wildlife Of Bali

This project is on the wildlife of Bali and Indonesia. It includes information on flora, fauna, and some weather data I collected during my stay. 

Wildlife -Of bali-.pdf

Geology And Creation Of Crete

Taking a leap into the boiling lava under the island of Crete, Greece, this presentation illustrates how the wondrous island of Crete came to be, from a scientific perspective. Please take a look at the insightful presentation on geology and read my mini-scientific investigation below.

PBL Creete.pdf

The Sand Cat

Linked here is a presentation I completed about the Sand Cat, in preparation for a multi-day trip to the White Desert in Egypt. My Science teacher and I researched a bit about different animals found in the White Desert.  The Sand Cat seemed very interesting, so I decided to dig a little deeper into this species. Below is a presentation, concluding my research on the Sand Cat. 

Egyptian Sacred Animals Project

This project takes a more artistic approach to Egyptian mythology. One thing that's true about ancient Egyptians is that they were crazy about animals. Each god was represented by an animal, and each animal had its individual status and powers. Just as one can gaze at Egyptian murals and paintings, I wanted to offer a likewise experience through artistic expression. The piece below is 'open to interpretation', and hopefully offers a glance into ancient Egypt. 

Wadi El Gamal

Wadi El Gamal was a day trip to a desert north of Hurghada, Egypt. To enter the desert, guides were required. Our guide was a Bedouin who spoke little to no English. In the end, we realized that the peace and silence of the trip with our guide was the only real way to relax. To summarize this trip, I created a presentation with a few photos. The presentation could not be uploaded here, but I wanted to include some information on it because it taught me how to make an iMovie video. 

Elephants In Thailand

My project for Thailand had to be, by many means, about elephants. Elephants are the 'staple', and 'must see' in Thailand, so I decided to make a video about our visit to a cruelty-free elephant sanctuary. The video can be viewed below.
